‘Béo’ Tablet App

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design
Interaction Design/Product Design

Robyn Chmelyk, Luisa Jahn, Bernarda Avila
14 Weeks
Béo is an online marketplace to buy goods from local small businesses.
Small businesses frequently report that Amazon has devastated their businesses - especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a world increasingly dependent on e-commerce many small businesses are struggling to compete and stay relevant. To help support small businesses in this effort, we created a platform to help them sell and deliver products to consumers that live locally.
We interviewed small business owners to identify how to best support their needs - and user-tested our app prototype with them to further refine it.
When customers place an order on Béo, the stores receives and then fulfills the order, and our couriers will pick-up all the completed orders and deliver them. The main goal of the project was to help local businesses by creating an app to consolidate e-commerce orders and help with overall inventory management. Additionally, it would provide sales insights through visualizing sales data.
The app's UI was designed to instill trust and confidence in business owners - especially because the app processes payments for them.
The UI achieves this through a modern and minimalist aesthetic. A muted colour palette, subtle diffuse drop shadows, and minimalist graphics make the app feel refined, sophisticated, and streamlined.