
Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications


Bernarda Avila
15 Weeks
New Vision New Logo
The logo design for Fresh City Farms uses typography as the main element to convey the brand personality. The typeface used in the logo was specifically designed for the company. The primary version of the logo uses a variety of bright colours and the preferred display is with a navy blue background. However, it can also be used in white background for uses such as the stationary applications. In cases where the background uses the bright colours or it is transparent the logo will be displayed all in white. Such as packaging or merchandise applications
Cohesive in all products
The visuals used in the delivery bags as well as the products produced by Fresh City Farms have been redesigned to be able to represent the brand in a cohesive manner. It is important for Fresh City Farms to be identified by their customers.
On the move
The visuals used in the vehicles are very important for the Fresh City Farms because if a big part of their daily operations. It is also a big point of contact with costumers as well as suppliers. It will also provide advertisement benefits since the vehicles would mainly operate in the center of the city where it will be able to catch the attention of many potential customers.
Connecting with Customers
The design of the mobile app is very important for Fresh City Farms, in the past years it has become a main point of sales for the company. The design aims to be user friendly to facilitate the shopping experience as well as to create a engaging interaction with the user.