Kong Identity

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design

Apparel Design
Apparel Design

Print/Brand Communications, Web Design

Janet Sohn
30 Weeks
Kong Identity is a clothing line that’s goal is to bridge the identity gap that Korean Canadians feel by allowing them to show off and be proud of who they are. The brand focuses on embracing the duo culture and encouraging Korean Canadians to admire their mixed culture to gain a sense of belonging. Kong Identity promotes casual clothing that can be worn on a daily basis to help Korean Canadians feel comfortable in their own skin. Identity gaps form when there is miscommunication between the self and its surroundings. This can come in forms of pretending to be an unauthentic self or others having false preconceptions of an individual. By wearing our clothing, Korean Canadians can proudly show their authentic selves as well as inform others of their culture.
Kong Identity’s logo conveys the mixing of two cultures. Its name is a literal mixture of the Korean and English language: “KO” for Korean and “NG” for English and the “O” is replaced with a mixture of the two national flags. The designs focus on 3 sub-topics: language, food, and music to tackle homesickness and acculturation stress which are caused by identity gaps. The designs are variations of visual representations of bridging, meshing, and mixing the two cultures together to show that duo-cultures are unique and beautiful in their own ways.
Follow the link below to see more on our website: https://www.figma.com/proto/ZSwHwXEGCKZQ95gonVcHwq/kong-identity?node-id=2%3A2&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=0%3A1