Case Studies

Haenyeo Museum Rebrand
Haenyeo Museum showcases the unique culture of Jeju Haenyeos. The culture revolves around the practice of muljil which is the act of diving to retrieve harvest with no equipment. The logo and the fluid elements focus on the core element of the culture which is community. The haenyeos are divided into three levels based on skill: how deep and how long they can stay submerged. The three colours used within the wave represent these levels and how they work together. The wave in the logo represents the ocean which is important in haenyeo culture as they respect it like a deity and is the source of a big portion of their harvest. The wave is shaped in a yin yang symbol to symbolize the Korean flag. In the fluid elements, the white circles represent the holding of breath which is the basic skill that muljil is built upon.

Human is a poem book that describes mood in the words of regular people. Mood is a very difficult thing to define because of its subjectivity. Human takes on this challenge by showcasing definitions of the different moods written by various people, as well as the expression of these moods through poems uploaded onto the web by amateur writers. The purpose of the book is to evoke some kind of feeling within its readers, as life can feel dull due to quarantine. In short, its purpose is to aid its readers to simply feel. Feel human.

Kong Identity
Kong Identity is a clothing line that’s goal is to bridge the identity gap that Korean Canadians feel by allowing them to show off and be proud of who they are. The brand focuses on embracing the duo culture and encouraging Korean Canadians to admire their mixed culture to gain a sense of belonging. Kong Identity promotes casual clothing that can be worn on a daily basis to help Korean Canadians feel comfortable in their own skin. Identity gaps form when there is miscommunication between the self and its surroundings. This can come in forms of pretending to be an unauthentic self or others having false preconceptions of an individual. By wearing our clothing, Korean Canadians can proudly show their authentic selves as well as inform others of their culture.