
Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design
Interaction Design/Product Design

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Paco Lui
30 Weeks
Pegia is a VR installation for parents-to-be emphasizing responsive parenting through visuals based on research of attachment and communication. Through the simple act of perceiving, the user can attentively watch as an unfamiliar yet alluring visual world is revealed, representing a child's complex and dynamic mentalities. By interacting with key plants, the environment unveils its distorted textures - showing visual patterns which highlight stressful emotions - that the parent may need to respond to.
Between Two Visual Worlds
The experience is founded on the understanding that a child's mental state is unknown and constantly changing - however, in order to be responsive as a caregiver, the parent must attempt to understand it and interpret it as a wondrous new world to explore. This is the foundation of the experience, where the user can peek into an entirely different-looking world that represents the child's mind.
Using Gestures
The act of touching the plant is a symbolic gesture; and by being the only way to create clarity in the unfamiliar environment, it can be realized that gestural communication connects the parent's perception and the child's mind. This realization is important to understand that a parent's frequent and symbolic interactions with their child create a connection that allows them to predict their feelings and respond more sensitivity. The medium of VR provides the immersive simulation of this - a perfect complement to the idea of Pegia.
Familiar to Unfamiliar
So, Pegia begins as a world the user can be familiar with the grass is green, the sky is blue. Only by playfully engaging with the world through perceiving and using gestures, the once-unfamiliar environment of the child's mind opens up to reveal how they feel. These three core aspects - playful engagement through the medium of a VR game, gestures through hand-based touch interactions, and predicting the child's mentalities through the unique visuals of the experience - all aid in making Pegia an experience to abstractly observe and understand responsiveness in parenting.