








Typography, Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

John Yeon
0 Weeks
Exploring the Ideals of Potential in a Post-Anthropocene World
Based on Tonkinwise’s belief that design is a destruction of the status quo, the post-anthropocene world recognizes that the current world we live in is one that has been shaped by a force of linear progression. The imaginations of a world without us, are ones that are built in the current context of our world. It is one that recognizes the aftermath of decades of linear progression, and the destruction that follows it, but also one that is in a point of transition. The urban ruin landscape of these worlds are seen with the absence of human presence as context. Cutting out agents of progression crates a void, disconnected from the functional and transformed into the transitional state from the known into the unknown.
Transitional Space and Multiple Temporalities
These worlds are in-between two states of resilience. Human creations in concrete become ruins, that lie dead yet still stand tall, and natures resilience simultaneously possesses the landscape. Inspired by Anna Tsing’s definition of multiple temporalities, this resilience and coexistence becomes resistance against linear progression, and embraces the multiple possibilities that these transitional spaces possess. The project is a visual expression of multiple temporalities, taking in the form of a projection installation. The projections are meant to be held at urban ruins, with the first location being held onto the underpass of the 401 highway. The video is projected onto the cracks and scares of the concrete. Lighting up its ruin, the projection highlights the space’s potential to become a liminal space.
In order to visually represent the idea of multiple temporalities, techniques such as time displacement, slit scanning and generative visuals were used. Expressed through typography and flora, the final reel reads a quote from Jorge Luis Borges, from In Praise of Darkness. The full quote is read as “nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if sand were stone”. The quote reflects on the impermanence of human creation, and serves as a reminder of the transitional status of the world.