I Remember you,

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design

Web Design
Web Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

John Yeon
0 Weeks
I Remember You, Outside My Window
In an attempt to inspire introspection and to rethink of how we approach explore memories digitally, I Remember You, Outside My Window is a website that aims to recontextualize images through a new perspective.
With the global pandemic restricting social activities and travel, frustration has been growing with the lack of physical socialization. Longer lockdowns create unease and warped perceptions of time, with everyone in emotional disarray, it’s not a surprise that there has been a rise in nostalgia of when people used to be able to meet without restrictions.
A Change in Perspective
Utilizing visualizations and methods that disrupt the conventional way we approach images through a non-linear change in perspective, users can revisit their memories in a new way. They are able to navigate their memories and when they find new moments of connection, they’re able to link them. Users can also expand on any singular memory, through text or illustration, or link them to any additional memories they find fitting.
Using a spatial approach to exemplify how we navigate our memories, the experience is inspired by the memory palace, but instead of curating a space that is meant for keepsake, the digital space aims to find new moments within old memories through spontaneity.