
Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design
Interaction Design/Product Design

Tiffany Chau, Selina Chung, Sharyl Man
13 Weeks
Making new friends during postsecondary can be a challenge. From lack of shared interests to the fear of approaching someone first, the struggles are seemingly endless. Befriend is a social app that aims to make it easier for students to reach out. Get to know other classmates, request your next seating or study buddies, and form connections that are truly meaningful.
Student Profiles
Fill in your own student profile with current interests and basic information, as well as answer profile prompts to help spark conversation. Browse other student profiles through various search filters, such as educational institution or program and year of study.
Action Requests
When you're ready to connect with another classmate, you can send a request for them to sit with you, study together or start a conversation. Alternatively, you can comment on one of their profile prompts to spark conversation. Reach out and take action!
Conversation Prompts
Finding topics to start a conversation can be difficult. Befriend makes it easy by providing fill-in-the-blank icebreakers that are great for a first chat.