TTC Rebrand Project

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Cavina Nguyen
14 Weeks
Why Rebrand TTC
The Toronto Transit Commission logo is a distinctive and beloved Toronto emblem: it reflects history, shared experience and pride. But when compared to other cities’ icons, one thing it doesn’t say, especially to visitors, is “subway.” The original logo is good for the community it served for the past hundred years however, the new logo is the new era of public transportation.
The Logo
The Toronto Transit Commission logo is comprised from the Gotham typeface. There are two components to the logo, the TTC and the distinctive bar across the two T’s. The bar represents the iconic subway. The surround distance from the symbol must be at least 3 units top and bottom from other elements. Given that the bar is an asymmetrical element of the logo, the left space is a half unit less than the right to create a visual balance.
Applying the Rebrand
Toronto Transit Commissions brand colors are reflective of a fun and modern aesthetic. Each color is an expansion of a transportation system: dark blue represents buses, red represents streetcars and gray represents subways. Creating a clear distinction between the branches through color solidifies a strong visual identity.