The Little Things









Typography, Print/Brand Communications

Emily Zathey
0 Weeks
Throughout the course of the pandemic, I have come to appreciate the little things in life so much more, through the countless hours I have spent reminiscing on the happy memories that I will hold close to my heart forever. I became fascinated with looking through old photo albums with my parents and hearing of stories from their childhood, which inspired me to want to create something that would feature a compilation of stories and photographs of the happiest moments from the lives of others. I decided to reach out to friends and family on social media asking them for photo and short story submissions, and was shocked with how many I received.
The book is separated into four categories: childhood, family, love and friendship. I chose to colour code each section so that readers could sit down and either read the book from start to finish, or skim through a section that they are feeling nostalgic about during that specific moment.
As for the design direction, I chose a mixed media approach with illustrative elements and vector outlines to tie all the photographs together. I chose a simple layout with typography that looks handwritten to give the book a personal touch, while adding elements such as photo corners, paperclips, and tape to give the book a hand-made look and feel.