Case Studies

The Little Things
Throughout the course of the pandemic, I have come to appreciate the little things in life so much more, through the countless hours I have spent reminiscing on the happy memories that I will hold close to my heart forever. I became fascinated with looking through old photo albums with my parents and hearing of stories from their childhood, which inspired me to want to create something that would feature a compilation of stories and photographs of the happiest moments from the lives of others. I decided to reach out to friends and family on social media asking them for photo and short story submissions, and was shocked with how many I received.
The book is separated into four categories: childhood, family, love and friendship. I chose to colour code each section so that readers could sit down and either read the book from start to finish, or skim through a section that they are feeling nostalgic about during that specific moment.

Friends of Ruby Rebrand
Friends of Ruby is a wonderful organization located in Toronto offering a safe space for LGBTQ+ youth between the ages of 16-29 where they can receive counselling, housing, and wellness services. For this rebrand, I was challenged with creating an inviting and playful atmosphere for those seeking their services. The name “Friends of Ruby” was based on a support dog named Ruby who is a furry friend to the youth within their safe space. Since Ruby was absent from their current branding, I wanted to ensure that she was not left out of the rebrand. I chose three essence words: pride, community, and empowerment to be reflected through the logo rebrand, illustrations, and colour scheme. I wanted to ensure that the rebrand also felt welcoming and not too corporate, as that can be off-putting for the youth seeking their services.
In addition to the rebrand, I developed a welcome package, given to youth who become a member of the Friends of Ruby community. Within the welcome package, youth will receive a branded Friends of Ruby tote bag, an informative booklet, Ruby pins, and stickers.

Out of Sight Campaign
If you have ever ventured through the cleaning aisle at your local supermarket, you will notice how tasty many of the cleaners appear. It may sound shocking, but thousands of children each year are victims of accidental poisoning—with one of the leading culprits being food-imitating cleaning products. This realization fuelled my extensive research into food-imitating products for my fourth year thesis. To expand on my research, I developed a campaign with the focus of informing parents and/or guardians of the dangers food-imitating products pose to children, while offering tips on how they can avoid these accidents from happening at all costs.
The first deliverable for my campaign is a poster series, which has been designed to be playful and grab the attention of parents and their children through its bright colours and quirky illustrative and typographic style. The more that you look at it, you will begin to realize that although the poster appears to be advertising juice, it is depicting the dangers of these food-imitating products and how easily a child can mistake them for a beverage. I also photographed three household cleaners that I felt were especially food-imitating to be included in the campaign.