Searching for the Spark

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Thano Sipsis
32 Weeks
Searching for the Spark is an investigation into interpersonal relationships, what causes their generation, and how they are manipulated through external means. Through secondary investigation psychological, biological, and cultural influence are examined and analyzed in order to understand and find the root of human social behavior. These explorations supported development of my final thesis of undergrad.
Synapse - Zine
An exploratory zine that embodied the exploration of interpersonal relationships. I delved into the lens of how emotional intelligence is portrayed through the lens of the big 5 psychological personality traits. I also intended for this piece to intersect of contemporary issues and debates. The objective behind this was to help make these psychological concepts that were new to me, approachable and relatable to myself as well as others.
Paratiro - Interactive Exhibit
An interactive exhibit for personal analysis of perceived emotional intelligence. A projector is set up with the addition of a webcam, and a computer. When a person walks in front of the camera, the analysis begins. At the end of the sequence, results are revealed in the form of tangible objects. The type of object, size, and quantity, are all subject to the results of the individual. This is a reflection of how artificial intelligence creates bias in perceiving individuals.
Elevating Heart - Generative Poster
A generative poster that challenges differences in emotional human interpretation through physical and digital mediums. ‘Elevating Heart’ is a poem by Susan Lawrence that encompasses a full spectrum of experiences and emotions that humans perceive throughout their lifetimes. The physical representation of this word is represented in through photography and it’s digital was generated through a word cloud of scraped tweets containing the word “Emotion”.