Mangia Pasta Company

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design
Packaging Design

Typography, Print/Brand Communications

Julia Greco
0 Weeks
MANGIA Pasta Company focuses on making the best spaghetti box possible. The box celebrates the act of eating pasta, but at the proper portion sizes. All information on the package is displayed in both Italian and English.
After receiving feedback from users the two problems I wanted to tackle with the Spaghetti box are; creating a tab that can re-close the box, and making a divider inside the box to help consumers with proper portions of pasta. The insert allows users to easily make the proper portion sizes for whoever is eating at the given time.
This package design has a very simplistic design and was created using the azzurri blue that is seen on the Italian National Soccer team's jerseys. Inside the box is a pattern of illustrated pasta that was designed to give more life to the already simple design.