Case Studies

Night Fever
Night Fever is a book celebrating the infamous discotheque Studio 54. After watching the documentary on the disco I was mesmerized by everything - the clothes, the music and the dream of it all. This lead me into a deep dive of everything 1970’s, Saturday Night Fever, Donna Summer and my new determination to learn how to roller-skate.

All is Fair in Love & Online Dating
Online dating has become the go-to for meeting people in this generation - for any type of relationship. However, this process has not been the smoothest ride for some people, despite others having found it extremely successful. All is Fair in Love and Online Dating is a collection of stories submitted by individuals who experienced any kind of online dating and have a story to tell. Each user had to place their own submission into one of three categories; the good, the bad and the tragic. The objective of this book was to display the current interpersonal interactions this generation is familiar with and challenge the readers to see the new forms of communication used within these entries. These stories include multiple bad Tinder dates, tragic Instagram DMs or finding a husband, taking you through the ups and downs of what it is like in this generation of virtual dating.
Diving into months of research, trying to determine whether or not this new form of communication was degrading our interpersonal communications in real life, I discovered that the process of online dating was an outlet for people who have social anxiety and felt more comfortable reaching out and developing a relationship online. Although this freedom and ease of speech is not always wanted and can sometimes be taken too far *insert inappropriate pick-up line*. Do these unlimited boundaries that the online world creates for its users help our face-to-face communication skills? Or does this ultimately push us towards a highly integrated and digitally influenced physical world? Unfortunately, these questions are not simply answered and can have a different effect on all individuals.