Kata Hand Wraps

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design
Packaging Design

Print/Brand Communications

Colin Coulson
0 Weeks
The Problem and Goals
The problem being addressed in this case study is how hand wraps are packaged without environmental consideration. I train Muay Thai and have purchased many hand wraps from different brands, and I am always disappointed that the packaging consists of a plastic bag or plastic container with heavy stock paper backing that does not have a second life. The brands also do not reflect the rich history of the sport. The goal was to research and develop a package that thoroughly explores Thailand’s national sport of Muay Thai’s rich history and create a brand identity that expresses this exploration. The second goal was to create a reusable package capable of creating a buyer connection with the product, mindful of the earth, rich in tradition, and practical in its uses.
Research and Methods
Through my research, I discovered the tradition of Sak Yant tattoos, which are sacred geometric designs incorporating Buddhist psalms and magical formulas that invoke various elements and powers of protection and various blessings. Muay Thai fighters wear Sak Yant tattoos, and when tattooed, they use a mantra that is said to give the tattoos magical powers. I chose to represent this practice as a primary element within the brand's identity. After researching, I started brainstorming different methods of containing the hand wraps. When purchasing hand wraps, it is also recommended to buy a laundry bag as wraps can get tangled in the wash. Utilizing this information, I made the main container of the package a laundry bag. For the laundry bag to contain the hand wraps, I modified the design to perform a folding technique used on t-shirts by the military to encase the hand wraps.
Brand Identity
The name Kata comes from the Thai language meaning “mantra.” Kata was chosen as it relates to the Sak Yant tattoos that are so important in Thai culture. The two characters of the logomark were created to represent the ancient Khom script used in the Sak Yant tattoos. The first character means “Ka” and the second means “Ta,” so the two Characters represent the word ”Kata” when placed together. The Colour yellow is the royal colour of Thailand. The Thais revere for their King is very strong, making the importance of the colour key to the culture. The font used in the logotype is Charm which was created using a flat tip pen on paper and was designed by Cadson Demak, a Thai communication design firm. All the elements were chosen to capture the spirit and history of the sport of Muay Thai.
Design Elements
On the back of the laundry bag, a design was created around the folding technique so that the main eight-point Yant would be displayed on the front panel when folded. Then when the container is unfolded, the entire layout of tattoos is displayed. The design represents traditional cloth and back tattoos. Within the package, an infographic was created. A folding technique was applied due to size constraints, allowing for a set narrative for the reader. This piece is used to educate the user about the brand, the Sak Yant tattoos, how to care for their wraps and gives instructions on how to refold the bag. The package is then held together with a simple sleeve. The result proposes a solution to the current harmful packaging of hand wraps, delivering a second life that reduces waste and acts as a gateway for users to explore the sport they love.