Hot 100 Genres

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design

Information Design
Information Design

Web Design

Kiran Patel
96 Weeks
Welcome to an interactive web graphic that tells a story of the trends in mainstream music. This infographic uses colour to determine the genre/mood of popular songs since 1990, and compare it to other times. Colour is not the main idea however, as stats, in-depth analysis, and other charts are also presented. Ever wonder which genres are the most popular? How about what was popular at a certain time? Who was the biggest artist and when were they big? Learn about this and so much more at ""!
Calculated & Tabulated
All information and charts are courtesy of the Billboard Hot 100. Each week, they blend radio, streaming, and sales data to compile the hottest 100 songs in the United States. For this graphic, the top 10 of each week since 1990 is considered.
Categorized & Colored
All 10 songs for each week are categorized by their genre, mood, and feel. While certain selections are subjective, most rely on popular music and information websites such as Pitchfork, Complex, MetaCritic, etc. Colors are assigned for every genre, with similar genres/ones with similar derivative forms recieving similar colors. After, these colors are applied to each song.
Finally, every color from each song is used to visually break down certain data. Visit the site, and have fun!