게임 엠가 game emga

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design
Packaging Design

Print/Brand Communications

Hyunan Ryu
7 Weeks
게임 엠가 Game emga is a Korean word chain game that is both recreational and educational. After conducting research, I realized that there are many Korean word board games in the market yet there are no bilingual games that satisfy both recreational and educational purposes. Making a board game that is both fun and meaningful was my motif when designing this game. The game is in Korean and English, making it accessible to Korean and English speakers alike. Thus the target audiences are Korean and English speakers that are 8 years old and older. 게임 엠가 Game emga aims to be inclusive regardless of age, making it a great family board game as well as one you can play with your friends.
Keywords such as ‘harmony’, ‘sustainability’ and ‘responsible consumer’ were important to the process of creating 게임 엠가 Game emga. Each game comes in a wooden box that is beautifully engraved. The wooden box has a different design engraved on the front than the design presented on the sleeve, bringing a pleasant surprise once revealed. I did not want the box to end up stacked with other board games, so one of the goals of this project was to make a box that would blend in seamlessly in peoples’ surroundings — regardless of where they chose to keep it. In terms of sustainability, there is not one thing for players to discard of when purchasing the game.
게임 엠가 game emga is not just a game: it contains an instruction booklet, word cards, writing pads, pencils and a photo wall decoration set. The instruction booklet includes the game rules and information on how to write each Korean word, helping players expand their knowledge and allows them to practice their writing on the writing pads. When the game is not in use, game cards can be hung up on the wall using strings and clips, which are already included in the box. Not only are they a great wall decoration, they can also aid with the memorization of the words.
Each card is beautifully illustrated to bring players’ interests in the game. The last syllable is colour coded in red so that players can easily spot which syllable they must connect next. Each card has a Korean word written in Hangul, English phonetic spelling as well as the word’s meaning in English, allowing players to learn either language.Want to play this game? Please visit: https://rb.gy/ykcijd