Facing Self









Print/Brand Communications

Hyunan Ryu
30 Weeks
Facing Self is a book that compiles self-ethnographic journals and imagery inspired by emotions, colours, and shapes associated with each day. This project started with the question, “Does birth order affect formation of personality?” I have always wondered growing up if some of my personality traits such as caring for others, being a people pleaser and overachiever are results of being a first born. After conducting research, I came to the conclusion that birth order may affect one’s personality, however it is not a definitive factor. In fact, personality can change depending on the context one is situated in! Based on these findings, the focus of the project shifted to studying what I can do to improve my own personality, and I thought journaling was the perfect way to do so.
Not Just A Journal
My focus in journaling was on incidents and interactions with people who have more superiority and authority than me as I often found myself struggling in these scenarios. I chose to focus on people such as my parents, my boss and customers as I dealt with them on a daily basis. In order to effectively study myself and record as many details as possible, I came up with a template where I had to record daily happenings, emotions, colors, shapes, as well as a method for creating imagery using colors and shapes.
With the collected data, I created an imagery for each journal entry. These creations would be featured alongside the respective journal entries, combined into a book. The image above shows a photo study I created inspired by colors and shapes from the day that the journal was originally written.
The cover is a personal visualization of the title Facing Self. When thinking of the title, I visualize myself literally facing myself in the mirror, and seeing the reflection as a bunch of flowers signifying that no matter how much I consider myself flawed and wanting to change that, that it is okay not to be perfect – and that a flawed self is still beautiful, just like flowers are. If you would like to know more about my self-improvement journey, please visit: https://rb.gy/unmghw