Details and Design

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Fatima Raid
0 Weeks
About the Project
As designers, we often like to say that we “pay high attention to detail” as an important skill in conversations, critiques, job applications, and more. However, sometimes it can feel as though we can get lost in the details and lose the bigger picture of a project. So, for my thesis project, I became interested in the relationship between different levels of attention to detail and creativity. I wanted to explore how different levels of attention result in different and/or similar outcomes in terms of how creative a project is. Furthermore, I wanted to know how a better understanding of this relationship can help designers come up with better design solutions and/or ideas.
The Research
The process of this project began with research. I started doing primary research, where I outlined a research method with specific guidelines and followed it to compare drawing results of different levels of attention. Then, I did some secondary research to get an idea of what is already known about the topic. I did not find any definitive answers, but it lead me to more questions regarding the idea of an incubation period (taking a break and coming back to it). I wanted to find out if it results in more creative ideas. So, my second primary research method was similar to the first one I did, but I did design projects instead of drawings, and it focused on the idea of an incubation period.
The Design Project Idea
After doing the research, I found that the activities I did were very helpful. I became more aware of my level of attention to details while working on design projects, and I have a good idea of what to expect my work to be like with different levels of attention. That way, I can control my level of attention to detail based on what I want to achieve for each project. However, since I was the only one who tried out the activities, I can't say that everyone would have the same results and the same experience. So, I came up with Details and Design, a hypothetical workshop for designers in Toronto where designers can try out the activities that I did for my research themselves. This would give designers the opportunity to get personalized results that they can use to improve their design process.
The Design
The first image is the full logo with its supporting type. The brand identity focuses on the idea of a personal creative journey. The workshop is about encouraging designers to continue learning about new possibilities and ways to improve their design process. There are many possible paths and ways to do so, but each designer takes their own unique path on their creative journey. To show that visually, the brand identity uses lines to mimic the shape of a maze. Some applications include a complete maze as well (such as the cover of the workbook). The bright colours used reflect how exciting the creative process is. The second image is the instruction sheet and a prompt card set for the workshop activity that would be handed out to each participant. The third image is the participant package that would be handed out to each participant as well.