Bala Cranberry Festival

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications


Lindsey Jones
12 Weeks
Rebranding Canada’s largest harvest festival
The Bala Cranberry Festival is a 3-day celebration of Muskoka’s beloved cranberry, and is one of Canada’s largest harvest festivals.The festival brings visitors from all over Ontario and offers a wide range of activities from plunging in cranberry marshes to wine tastings. However, the current branding does not reflect the energy and excitement of the festival, and lacks visual consistency. The goal of the proposed brand design is to highlight the unique qualities of the festival, attract urban visitors and extend the tourist season in Bala.
Highlighting the Journey
Based on research, the majority of Bala’s visitors drive to the festival from larger cities to the south. Therefore, the conceptual and illustration-based approach of the rebrand highlights and emphasizes the journey to Bala through the depiction of an abstracted map. The illustrations comment on Ontario’s fall scenery, the nature-oriented activities of cottage country and the main attraction of the festival: cranberries. This conceptual approach aims to intrigue urban visitors to travel the long journey from the GTA, and ultimately bring more tourism to the town of Bala.
Bilingual Festival Pamplet
Components of the original map illustration are applied throughout the brand with the addition of various road sign illustrations that reflect the signage visitors might see while driving to the festival. The road sign illustrations can be found within the festival’s bilingual pamphlet which contains information about events, vendors and locations. Each language is separated by colour for easy differentiation and a lettering system is applied to help readers navigate festival locations.
Festival Wayfinding
In addition to the festival pamphlet, outdoor signage helps visitors navigate the festival grounds. The wayfinding system complements the branding style of the festival and utilizes the same lettering system used within the pamphlet to create more clarity and consistency.