Case Studies

Petal Pop
Petal Pop is a package design that allows you to easily share popcorn with your loved ones. Petal pop was originally inspired by the thought of giving someone a flower. Especially during the pandemic, we are not able to see our loved ones and the thought of sending someone special a gift is a nice gesture to let them know you are thinking of them. At the bottom of the containers are sweet messages that can be read once the popcorn is finished to add a little happiness to the receiver’s day.

Embers S'mores Kit
Embers is a s’mores kit made for people who live in urban areas. Embers strives to rekindle and strengthen relationships with those around you while enjoying a sweet snack. The name Embers refers to the glowing pieces of wood or coal of a fire, these pieces contain a high temperature of heat that can be used to bring a campfire back to life. Representing the regeneration of the relationships and it is also the best spot in a fire pit for roasting golden s'mores.

Go Bananas!
Go Bananas is a clothing line that empowers Asian Canadians who have or are going through acculturation and stereotyping to feel they are one of a kind. Using paint and dye, to create chaotic and unique one of one pieces. Each piece has a different message and character, to show the uniqueness of each individual. The fun and crazy visuals help catch the attention of viewers to let the voices of Asian Canadians be heard.