Tiger Beer Package Refresh

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design
Packaging Design

Print/Brand Communications

Riley Cousineau
13 Weeks
Concept Development
During this project, I was tasked with creating a brand refresh for a package design based on a product of my choice that would replace the existing package design on the market right now. I selected Tiger Asian Lager due to the visual possibilities that a brand mascot like 'Tiger' holds, along with apparent areas of improvement found on the current package design. Retaining the legacy and image of the brand was very important for this project. After re-designing the principle product offering, I was also tasked with re-designing the look of two additional line-extension products for Tiger, and creating an all-panel layout.
Tiger Original
This is the brand and package design refresh for Tiger's main offering, known as Tiger Original. The design of the can uses the brand's main colours: orange, blue, and grey. I wanted to retain brand legacies such as the iconic tiger symbol, the use of ornamental design showcasing awards, and the colours of the brand. When creating my re-design, I focused on simplifying, modernizing, and refreshing the brand's logo. I used an all-caps format instead of the original type, reduced the tiger to an illustrative outline using positive and negative space to my advantage. Another recognizable feature of the brand, is the use of a blue banner to contain the principle information. In my design, I used the blue banner as a colour block that contrasts with a grey and white tiger stripe pattern that each cover about half of the can. This refresh was used as a guide for the line-extensions as well.
Tiger Crystal
The first line-extension I chose to refresh from Tiger's product offerings, was Tiger Crystal. This is a cold-filtered, light version of Tiger Original. The package design for Tiger Crystal was only available in bottles, so it was largely up to me to conceptualize a tall can design. Since the colours used on the bottle were a combination of a light-beige colour along with a dark blue, I decided to eliminate orange from this design and just use blue while introducing a cream colour to the background. Instead of colour-blocking, this time the bottom colour matched one of the stripe's colours, giving the design a more simplified feel to match the 'crisp' nature that Tiger Crystal strives for.
Tiger Black
For my second re-design from Tiger's selection of line-extensions was based on the strong-beer version of Tiger Original. The current package design for Tiger Black uses a very dark black-blue shade, with a much different layout of principle panel information. My refresh of Tiger Black uses a very dark grey-black shade within the banner, while extending into the tiger stripe area. This time, the tiger stripe's secondary colour is the new brand's navy blue colour, in order to keep the dark and intimidating black/blue feeling from the original design. I decided to keep the layout the same as the other two cans to make the brand more cohesive across the board.