The New Palette

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design
Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design, Other...

Francesco Roda
0 Weeks
The New Palette is a speculative design work primarily focused on innovating and re-designing the ways in which we utilise and think of creative tools. With a completely unique UI and UX, it aims to restore both the humanistic and holistic elements of creation and artistic endeavours back to the user.
The New Palette's UI and UX is deeply rooted in the belief that a creative tool should be both humanistic and holistic in some sense, and with this in mind, it aims to make the whole experience of creating not just more streamlined, but more meaningful as well. This includes a simplified, clean UI with new approaches to old, standard tools, and the ability to physically interact with the palette, such as folding it or pinching it, to perform specific creative commands and actions.
Furthermore, the New Palette's UI also features a unique organisational system and design, in which everything is allocated and assigned to a specific side of the screen. Not only does this maximise the screen real-estate for the actual 'creative zone', but it also allows for the UI to be unobstructive and hidden without being lost.