Nikkei Matsuri

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Ivy Sun
12 Weeks
Nikkei Matsuri is a Japanese cultural festival that takes place in Burnaby, British Columbia. “Nikkei” is commonly used to define people of Japanese descent living outside of Japan, while “Matsuri” means festival. The goal of the festival is to “celebrate Japanese culture through food, music, entertainment, games, and more.” With this in mind, I designed a brand system for Nikkei Matsuri that includes a poster, tickets, program, splash pages and signage with the use of Japanese and English on all media.
The poster is a mix of traditional and modern styles through its composition and imagery which can appeal to all audiences. The circles at the bottom of the poster "float" upwards and represent lanterns, hence the lantern symbol at the top of the poster. Lanterns are a common symbol of Japanese festivals. The type runs vertically, which is common in Japanese writing. Finally, paper textures are used in the background to reflect scrolls or older books.
The program is handed out to guests as they visit the festival. It keeps the same elements as the brand system, such as colour, type and patterns. I used a grid throughout for organization and decided on an accordion style fold to make it easy to read. Each section has a different coloured background to help distinguish them from each other. Both Japanese and English had to be present which made me conscious about the space I had available.
The tickets draw on a traditional Japanese theme: the Omikuji-- a paper fortune that is drawn at temples and shrines, often during the new year. It is a tradition that would be familiar to Japanese people and also fun for new visitors. Each ticket would have a different fortune on it that the visitor could keep! It retains the same elements as the brand system: a strong vertical, center alignment, reused patterns, and colour palette.