
Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design

Packaging Design
Packaging Design

Print/Brand Communications

Kira Hassard
7 Weeks
I set out to design a period care line that you’d be proud to own and talk about.
First of all lets get rid of that outdated and stereotypical package design that results in so much waste. Let’s create something fun and stylish that you don’t feel like you need to hide in public or that makes you feel awkward to purchase at the cash register. Monthly subscription boxes have become extremely popular during the past few years so why not bring this option to the table for period care.
Much of society sees periods as a taboo topic.
I believe this is a major issue as periods are something natural that all females experience. Current product branding is very outdated and isn’t very appealing which definitely doesn’t assist at all in helping with symptoms that we experience once a month. Women shouldn’t feel embarrassed and ashamed when a pad or tampon falls out of their pockets at school or work. Period products are also kind of a pain to purchase as you never know exactly when your period will hit, how long it will last, or how heavy your flow may be. Packs of products come in various amounts and sizes and some find it hard to know whether they’ll have enough for their next period. The last thing I want to do during that time of the month is run out to a local store because I ran out of pads.
A modern day solution.
Imagine not having to worry about running out to grab tampons because last week you had a whole period care kit delivered right to your doorstep. I also intended to solve the issue of waste and pollution that the products create. I wanted to make everything environmental friendly and biodegradable. Paper wrappers compared to the usual plastic, biodegradable hemp seed applicators, organic cotton pads and tampons, and so much more. With this subscription box I believe that many issues could be solved to not only help women navigate their lives during their mensural cycle but also benefit the planet that we live on.