
Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design

Interaction Design/Product Design
Interaction Design/Product Design

Jessica Dou
29 Weeks
Meet Kindred!
Kindred is a task scheduling tool that helps owners of lesser owned pets organize, plan and keep track of their companion’s daily tasks and appointments. Learn to build a healthy lifestyle and relationship with your pet(s) through daily task recording and help provide the best life you can for your companion(s).
Task Tracking
The dashboard serves as the main task management tab. Users are able to see their tasks for the day with remaining tasks on top and completed at the bottom of the list. Once the owner has completed a task, they may mark it off their list to keep track of what still needs to be done. Owners may also switch to a calendar view which allows users to view past, present and future days. Appointments will be marked on the calendar with a coloured dot to allow users to easily see when their past and upcoming appointments are/were.
My Pets
The "My Pets" tab will allow users to add, edit and view their pet(s) information. Users may also keep track of and manage active and inactive tasks for specific pets. Add co-owners to your pets in the “My Pets” tab by sharing your pets’ link or code. Multiple users may be added as “owners” to a pet, this allows all “owners” to have access to edit, add and complete information, tasks and appointments. This function makes task tracking easier when co-owning a pet. Say goodbye to having to text “have you fed our pet dinner yet?” ever again!
Creating tasks
When creating a new task, the user may choose between a preset daily task, appointment or custom daily task. When selecting a preset task type, recommended setting will automatically be filled out but users may change the settings to suite their needs manually. Tips on recommended sections will be available to users by simply pressing on the “info” icon.