How to Win

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication
Motion Design/Time-Based Communication


Nathaniel Rojas
12 Weeks
How to Win is a 30-second motion graphic piece incorporating handmade elements manipulated into a digital output with overlaying dialogue from the film “Rocky.” The motion piece consists of vibrant colours and organic texture to enhance the impact of the speech. The visual theme is based on vintage boxing posters incorporating a bold slab serif typeface as the main element.
The dialogue was recreated using an extensive linography method. The procedure began with laying out the characters of Alfa Slab and printing out the existing typeface. The printed result was used as a stencil on a block of rubber and carved afterwards. Using the original dialogue as a reference, each word was pressed by hand using acrylic paint three times to create a visual effect. The process proceeded with scanning and cropping each set of words, then bringing them into a composition.