Hachette Book Group Re-Brand

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Typography, Book/Editorial

Sabrina Fortin
12 Weeks
The Problem
Hachette Book Group is a publishing company located in the US and Canada with numerous sub-groups and companies all with their own genres and goals. The overall visual identity was out of date and static. It lacked fluidity and connection with the company’s goals and values. This led to it blending in with several other publishing company identity’s. Other company’s in the same market which all held the same style of formal, stiff, and very corporate. I wanted the take a step away from that and make Hachette Book Group stand out and truly represent their brand.
The Process
The first step in the process was the decide the core goals of the company and how I would represent those in the visual identity. After doing research on HBG, I found that the values they stood upon were community, diversity, imagination, and innovation. Using those concepts, I created a logo and fluid elements that would reflect those ideals while also presenting it as youthful, bold, and modern.
The Solution
The solution to the original problem was solved by incorporating exciting fluid elements, a vibrant colour scheme, and a new youthful typeface that could communicate the goals and values of the brand. By redesigning all aspects of the brand from the logo, to stationary, to advertising, to web and mobile applications there is now a consistent and cohesive brand identity. Hachette Book Group now will stand out amongst the competition and become a more prominent face in the publishing market.