Choose Your Pokémon

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Motion Design/Time-Based Communication
Motion Design/Time-Based Communication

Information Design

Casey Wang
5 Weeks
Choose Your Pokémon is a short informational motion graphic video that outlines the three starter Pokémon from generation one (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle). Within this video, it discusses when they level up and what some of their weaknesses are. Which one will you choose?
After countless thrown out ideas from meme recaps to the most searched things on Google, I decided on a short informational motion graphic centered around Pokémon. Initial research pursued outlined the evolution process and their elemental/type weaknesses. Then came the 'screenplay' and 'shot' list, describing each shot/scene relatively in depth which was then accompanied by rough storyboard sketches.
Several styles were initially explored after conducting visual research, though they were more complicated to execute due to a more illustrative approach. To avoid overcomplication, the old pixel art of Pokémon was the official chosen approach. Each visual asset was created in Illustrator before being imported into After Effects to proceed with animation.