
Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications

Print/Brand Communications
Print/Brand Communications

Information Design, Book/Editorial

Dainia Townsend
30 Weeks
Project Overview
With climate change on the rise, Ontario, as well as places throughout Canada and the world, are increasingly aware of the threat posed to present and future life. Deforestation is one such issue contributing to this threat, as it endangers human, animal and plant life, as well as other factors. Reforestation is an important part of enhancing the health of environmental systems throughout Ontario and more specifically, in its southern urban areas. The benefits of tree and plant life, natural landforms and ecosystems, are vital to sustainability both in the present and future. This project recognizes the critical need for information and action on reforestation and how it is thought about respective to the places and methods being used.
Target Audience
Branch is for persons of all ages, genders, sexuality, race and culture, which can include high school and university students, full-time working parents and middle aged adults, as well as seniors. It allows for a wide range of people to find what opportunities work for their particular lifestyle. These people live in urban areas within southern Ontario. Despite living in more urbanized areas, they are environment enthusiasts believing in the power of getting involved in the green-spaces around them, as well as taking part in environmental awareness projects. They believe that there is a lot of value to be placed on nature when it comes to issues of human health, climate change and future life.
Final Strategy
Branch brings locals into the discussion of reforestation efforts in their environment, focusing on why these efforts are needed, what changes they create and how they themselves can be involved. The brand is themed and released seasonally which affects the colours used and events featured. The first issue of Branch is themed after the spring season. The final strategy includes a double sided, foldable posterzine containing 8 pages, as well as posters, merchandise and out of home advertisements. Let's branch out into some action!