Case Studies

My Life in 2020, Visualized
Before the start of 2020, I decided I would try to track what I would do each hour of each day of the following year. Little did I know how strange of a year it would be. What began as a fun side project became a way to assess the pandemic's effect on my life. Now, in retrospect, it serves as a keepsake of how I spent my hours during this unusual time. Reduced class time, cancelled commutes, social distancing and new hobbies all made their unique mark on this final visualization.

Just a Bunch of Books
A combination of stop motion animation and information design, this short film displays my personal collection of books in various ways. This project explores the material and informational footprint left by a person’s objects. It includes 55 books and over 550 individual photographs.

Xihei: A Variable Blackletter
Xihei attempts to bring a modern blackletter look to Chinese characters. Its sharp details and dynamic thick/thin contrast make it ideal for headers and titles. While its lines are delicate, Xihei's straight angles lends stability to the typeface. 90 degree angles establish a geometric base for the characters. However, relative freedom in diagonal angles keep Xihei from becoming boxy.