Case Studies

There are so many unique typefaces seen on the streets of Vietnam. Hand-painted restaurant signs and boards. They are distinctive traits of the country’s prominent street food culture. As Vietnam is developing economically and technologically, a cultural shift makes itself present. The uniqueness of the Vietnamese streets has become populated with newer gentrified businesses that take on the western-style architecture and interior design. This is extended into the graphic design field. Most Vietnamese graphic designers are working with Vietnamese extensions of existing Latin-based typefaces and are limited to them. Cindy wanted to contribute to the Vietnamese growing typeface design scene by contributing herown.

Gladioulous is a upcoming interaction-based RPG game with a diverse cast. Players are meant to play, explore, interact with the world of Gladiolus and the people in it the way way they want to. They can bear arms and fight enemy creatures, explore hidden environments, build relationships, or break them. The choice is up to the players. Gladiolous hopes to be a safeplace for exploration self in a virtual medium specifically and obviously, video game. Gladiolous supports the LGBTQ+ community.
Gladiolous is a video game project created by Cindy Lieu. This project is a study about gender and sexual identity and its relationship to video games. In her research, she has found that the project is relevant for a few reasons. Firstly, it expands on current explorations in queer game studies by linking researches to fill gaps within the game studies field. In her literature research, only some works had indirectly addressed the problem of ignoring the feminine preference. There were no studies in her research that had directly addressed this issue. Two, understanding the feminine preferences will lead to more opportunities to critique and improve existing systems placed in society. She believes that video games can become important sites for women and queer politics, identity, desire.