Case Studies

Country Life
A variable font is an OpenType font format which contains a font’s entire glyph set, or individual glyphs with up to 64,000 axes of variation, including weight, width, slant, etc. It is useful, especially in digital applications to reduce loading times, and have more flexibility with type hierarchy.
Country Life is a variable typeface made for cooking blogs. The serif was made to have rounded, and soft edges in order to evoke a cozy feeling. The typeface is made with numerous number styles, accents, and special characters in order to suit any cooking website needs. Since many cooking blogs have long loading times due to the amount of photos, and ads present, I though creating typeface for these websited might prove useful.

Broadway Play
With Broadway musicals and shows being shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to find a method of bringing these productions back into action. Over the last year I researched all that is needed to know about Broadway and design's impact on Broadway to find a solution to the problem. This is how Broadway Play was born.
Broadway Play is a digital Broadway experience where users may watch Broadway shows live, from the comfort of their own home. Users can watch live performances of Broadway's hottest shows with their friends and experience the magic of live theatre is a safe and engaging way.

Morning Affirmations
Hope you had a lovely sleep! Today I present to you some morning positivity to bring some joy to your day. This type in motion project was designed to be featured on Instagram in order to brigthen up someone's day when they wake up and scroll through their feed first thing in the morning.
I decided to use some LoFi music with birds chirping to bring an atmospheric sense of someone waking up. I also wanted to incorporate more texture in my design projects so I looked around for different effects I could apply to my project and found a tutorial that created a paper stop motion texture that I thought would be perfect for my project. By using a simple colour palette of yellow, black and white, I conveyed a bright and happy morning animation.